Tips To Maintain Power Bank
- Do not use your power banks in high heat and humidity:
Whenever you charge your laptop, it may happens, the system just crash when it gets too hot. The same law works for the power banks also. Power Banks are made up of Lithium –ion or Lithium-polymer batteries that uses internal cells for power storage. Thus, overheating and excessive temperature leads these power banks to explode
2. Do not use your cellphone while charging:
Whenever you use your mobile devices while charging, you may notice that it gets hot. This is same for the power bank also that it will leads to explosion while charging. So, don’t do such activities like playing games or chatting with friends whenever your mobile devices are getting charged by power bank.
3. Do not charge your power bank until it’s fully discharged:
Charge your power bank devices when it totally runs out of power. This will increase the lifespan of your power bank
4. Use your power bank regularly:
Use and recharge your power bank frequently. This will help to maintain your power bank and increases the lifespan of the battery.
5. Avoid using external charger :
Use only the original charger to charge your power bank rather than any external one. As using external charger not only affect your power bank but also your mobile devices.
6. Handle your power bank with care:
Avoid dropping or knocking. Do not put heavy things on your power bank. Do not seat on it as power banks are too sensitive.